Cross-layer Air Interface Design and QoS Issues in Wireless Systems
Dr. Giovanni Giambene, Universitą degli Studi di Siena, Italy
Sunday, October 1, 14:00-17:30, ship "Marko Polo"
RFID – Radio Frequency Identification: Technology Basics and Business Uses
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Luderer, Arizona State University, USA
Sunday, October 1, 14:00-17:30, ship "Marko Polo"
Cross-layer Air Interface Design and QoS Issues
in Wireless Systems
Dr. Giovanni Giambene, Universitą degli Studi di Siena, Italy
The first part of this tutorial will address cross-layer interactions of layer 2 with other protocol layers to achieve QoS support and efficient utilization of radio resources. Moreover, different techniques will be surveyed to implement the cross-layer exchange of information; in particular: (i) use of packet headers; (ii) adoption of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) signaling to create holes in the layers of the protocol stack so that messages can be propagated across layers. Finally, the ETSI protocol stack (made by the ETSI Broadband Satellite Multimedia group) for satellite networks will be described.
The second part of this tutorial will present some case studies on Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols and scheduling techniques that employ cross-layer information to provide QoS support in managing different traffic flows in wireless communication systems:
· IEEE 802.11e;
· HSDPA air interface (3G+ systems);
· DVB-RCS for interactive satellite networks.
Biography: Giovanni Giambene was born in Florence, Italy, in 1966. He received the Dr. Ing. degree in Electronics from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications and Informatics from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1997. From 1994 to 1997, he was with the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Florence, Italy. He was Technical External Secretary of the European Community COST 227 Action, entitled “Integrated Space/Terrestrial Mobile Networks”. He also contributed to the Resource Management activity of the Working Group 3000 within the RACE Project, called “Satellite Integration in the Future Mobile Network” (SAINT, RACE 2117). From 1997 to 1998, he was with OTE of the Marconi Group, Florence, Italy, where he was involved in a GSM development program. In the same period he also contributed to the COST 252 Action (“Evolution of Satellite Personal Communications from Second to Future Generation Systems”) research activities by studying the performance of Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) protocols suitable for supporting voice and data transmissions in low earth orbit mobile satellite systems. In 1999 he joined the Information Engineering Department of the University of Siena, Italy, first as research associate and then as assistant professor. He teaches the advanced course of Telecommunication Networks at the University of Siena. From 1999 to 2003 he participated to the project "Multimedialitą", financed by the Italian National Research Council (CNR). From 2000 to 2003, he contributed to the activities of the “Personalised Access to Local Information and services for tOurists” (PALIO) IST Project within the fifth Research Framework of the European Commission (www.palio.dii.unisi.it). At present, he is involved in the SatNEx network of excellence of the FP6 programme in the satellite field (www.satnex.org), as leader of two work packages: radio resource management techniques (ja2330) and cross-layer air interface design (ja2230). From 2004 he is vice-Chair of the COST 290 Action (www.cost290.org), entitled “Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks” (Wi-QoST).
Radio Frequency Identification: Technology Basics and Business Uses
Gottfried Luderer, Arizona State University, USA
Imagine that arbitrary objects and even people or animals can carry a small inexpensive tag, replacing the ubiquitous bar code by something like a cheap piece of circuitry – costing just a few cents. And furthermore that this tag can be read from a short distance of a few meters without the need for a line-of- sight connection. The tag can be coded with its own unique identification. The tag does not need its own power source but is discovered by nearby reading devices sending short inquiry messages and listening to the coded “back scattered” responses.
The underlying technology has been around for many years, but it is just getting mature enough to become practically useful. RFID is in the process of widespread introduction, for monitoring merchandize in the supply chain from manufacturer to customer, e.g. at Walmart, to inclusion in your passport or implanting tags in your dog. This seminar will briefly survey the technology and look at various business applications. RFID categories like active and passive tags will be discussed as well as system architectures. What are obstacles to its introduction, technical and political, and potential benefits as well as abuses? Of all recently introduced electronic technologies, RFID may have the largest impact on our daily lives in the coming years.
Biography: Dr. Gottfried W. R. Luderer was appointed Professor, ISS Chair of Telecommunication, at Arizona State University in the Fall of 1990. His current research program in networking includes work in the areas of control of ISDN/Broadband ISDN networks, mobile communication networks, and multimedia communication, which ranges from call processing for intelligent network services to network management. Research emphasis is on advanced software technologies for development of telecommunication networks, as used in switches, for signaling and in network management, with a focus on object and component technology and formal definition techniques. From 1965 to 1989, Dr. Luderer was with AT&T Bell Labs, at last directing research on next generation switch architectures, based on fast packet switching technology on the hardware side and object-oriented design technology on the software side, resulting in some of the earliest demonstration networks for multimedia communication. Dr. Luderer holds Diplomingenieur (M.S) and Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He holds two patents. While at Bell Labs, he taught at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, and at Princeton University. He is member of ACM, IEEE, IEEE Computer and Communication Societies.
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