for Papers
Paper Submission
Author and Presenter Kit
Invited speakers
Conference Venue
Travel and Visa info
Social Program
SoftCOM 2004 video
- cities (5MB)
- people (33MB)
SoftCOM 2003 video
- 64 kbps (3MB)
- 256 kbps (13MB)
E-mail: softcom@fesb.hr
All paper submissions will be handled electronically.
SoftCOM 2006 is using the EDAS Conference Management System to
manage paper submissions. In order to submit, you will first need to create an
account. Once you've logged in EDAS provides you with a submission homepage
where you can register your submission and make appropriate changes up until
the registration deadline. Please be sure that your paper has been made
according to author's kit. If you have problems with the system, please
contact the administrator at mrusso@fesb.hr.
Step 1. Create an account in the EDAS system. The system will e-mail you your
Step 2. Login using your username and password (sent via email).
Step 3. Click on the image
to submit a new paper, or select an existing
submission to edit. All the papers submitted should be in either PostScript
(.ps) or PDF (.pdf) format. Fill in the detail of the paper. You will be required to
provide information for co-authors not already registered with the system.
Choose as many topics as apply to your paper. Choose the submit button to
register you paper.
Step 4. Upload your paper using the provided form. You may choose not to upload
a file immediately. You may upload a new version of your file at any time
(prior to submission deadline) by returning to the
EDAS system. Once you
login, a list of submitted papers will be made available. Click on the upload
image to upload a new version of your paper.