2006 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
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Invited speakers


Keynote speaker:      dr. Nim K. Cheung
President, IEEE Communications Society


Towards the Era of Ubiquitous Networks
Saturday, September 30, Plenary session, ship "Marko Polo"

This talk traces the evolution of mobile networking technologies from the early personal communications systems of the 1980’s to the present day voice over IP and wireless broadband multimedia services.  The speaker will compare some of the parallel developments of wireless and wireline broadband networks and examine the extent of their convergence.  Future trends in ubiquitous network technologies and some of the potential applications will also be discussed.


Biography: Dr. Nim Cheung (n.cheung@ieee.org) is the 18th President of the IEEE Communications Society, a global professional organization with 50,000 members in 170 chapters around the world.   He received his B.Sc. degree from University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. degree from California Institute of Technology.  From 1976 to 2003, he has held different research and management positions at AT&T Bell Labs, Bellcore and Telcordia Technologies in high-speed networking and network management.  From 1999 to 2003, he was Telcordia’s vice president of Applied Research Government Program.  Dr. Cheung was the principal investigator and manager of many large-scale gigabit networking projects sponsored by U.S. Government and the private commercial sector.  He is an IEEE and Telcordia Fellow, and a recipient of Bellcore Award of Excellence.  He has held numerous leadership positions in the Communications Society: Vice President of Technical Activities (1996-97), Vice President of Society Relations (2004), Strategic Planning Committee Chair (1998-99), Fellow Evaluation Committee (2002-04), Distinguished Lecturer (1998-2005), and Senior Editor of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (1989-2005).  Dr. Cheung has been a consulting professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University since 2004.

Invited speaker:       M. Sc. Gordana Kovačević,
President of Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Ericsson Nikola Tesla: Following Tesla’s Vision
Saturday, September 30, Plenary session, ship "Marko Polo"

The rich scientific heritage bestowed to humanity by Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) has been incorporated in our daily lives in so many ways that we use it hundreds of times a day without even being aware of it. This year is the Year of Nikola Tesla, the year in which we remember and appreciate this great man, his discoveries and inventions.
Today, Ericsson Nikola Tesla is a provider of total ICT solutions and member of the Ericsson group. The company’s activities incorporate the entrepreneurship of Lars Magnus Ericsson and the visionary spirit of Nikola Tesla. Its name reminds the community of these two great men who contributed to the foundation of the new communications era. This described powerful combination has brought value to Croatia and to Ericsson as well as to our customers who will substantially benefit from that combination.


Biography: Effective January 1, 2005 Gordana Kovačević has been appointed new President and CEO of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Simultaneously, she is Vice President of the Market Unit Central Europe comprising seven European countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria).
She received B.E. and M.E. in Telecommunications and Informatics from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computing Science. In Nikola Tesla, where she started her professional career, Mrs. Kovačević as a respected professional was the head of the most complex Tesla’s telecommunications projects on local and foreign markets. During her career in Nikola Tesla she was filling numerous managerial posts from department manager, director of project design office to technical director of marketing and sales.
Successful realization of the projects fastened the position of Ericsson Nikola Tesla at the corporate level and also ensured the company to be a respectable regional and global centre of excellence and knowledge within Ericsson.


Invited Symposia speakers:

Dr. Andreas Kassler

Optimizing SIP service provisioning in internet connected MANETs
Saturday, September 30, Symposium on QoS, ship "Marko Polo"


Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have gained a lot of attraction because they are flexible, self-configurable and fast to deploy. Systems beyond 4G are likely to consist of a combination of heterogeneous wireless technologies and naturally might comprise MANETs as one component. In order to provide multimedia services such as Voice over IP in such environment, support for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is essential. In this paper we explore the limitations of using the standard SIP architecture when MANETs are connected to the internet. We present performance simulation results for the standard solution were SIP servers are located in the Access Network (AN) and MANET nodes register with them. We also propose an alternative approach where gateways provide limited SIP proxy functionalities thus improving SIP service scalability in internet connected MANETs.


Biography: Dr. Andreas Kassler is an Associate Professor at Karlstad University, Sweden. He received his PhD in Computer Science from University of Ulm, Germany, in 2002. At University of Ulm, he was the leader of the QoS and Mobility research group at the Distributed Systems Department from 1998 until November 2003. In December 2003, he joined the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, as an Assistant Professor in 2003. His research interests include Ad-hoc networks, multimedia networking, and Quality of Service Management. He has authored or coauthored over 50 research articles, and is named as co-inventor on 3 european and international patents. He is a project manager for european research projects and is actively participating in several IETF working groups. Dr. Kassler is a member of the IEEE, Communications Society and of the Technical Committee of Telecommunications of the IASTED. More information is available at http://www.cs.kau.se/~andreask/.

Dr. Fatih Alagöz

Quality of Service in Mesh Mode IEEE 802.16 Networks
Saturday, September 30, Symposium on QoS, ship "Marko Polo"


Abstract: While IEEE 802.16 uses point-to-multipoint (PMP) topology in the main operating mode, an optional Mesh operating mode is introduced with the standardization of IEEE 802.16a. This optional mode has received more attention with the recent development of IEEE 802.16e, which introduced mobility support to IEEE 802.16 networks. A connection-based Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism is also described in the original standard. However, this mechanism applies only to PMP operation mode of IEEE 802.16. In this paper, we describe two QoS methods for Mesh operating mode of IEEE 802.16. The first method is based on the well known DiffServ mechanism. As the second method, we enhanced the QoS mechanism in the original standard to work in Mesh mode. We have analyzed the performance of both methods and provided simulation results based on these two solution.

Biography: Dr. Fatih Alagöz is an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkiye. His research interest is in design, development, integration, deployment, simulation, analysis and optimization of wireless/mobile and satellite networks. Special interest is on managing real-time multimedia satellite networks. His current research interests include QoS in satellite networks , UWB communications, Ad-hoc and sensor networks, and digital watermarking. More information is available at http://www.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/~alagoz/.