2006 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
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Symposiums general chair: Algirdas Pakstas, London Metropolitan University, UK

QoS in Wireless Multimedia Networks

Symposium organizer: G. Giambene, Universita' degli Studi di Siena, Italy



September 30, 2006, 14:00 - 14:05 Opening Ceremony

September 30, 2006, 14:05 - 15:35, Session I: Wireless Access Optimization

Session Chair: Dr. Tomaz Javornik

"Dynamic TXOP configuration for QoS enhancement in IEEE 802.11e wireless LAN", Jakub Majkowski
"Comparison of WiMAX coverage at 450MHz and 3.5GHz",  Tomaz Javornik, at al.
"Cross-layer design of packet scheduling algorithm",  Dung Luong Dinh
"Impact of Dynamic Channel Allocation, Power Control and Smart Antenna on Inter-cell Interference Distribution", Mugdim Bublin
"Palm's Machine-Repair Model with a Generalised Poisson Input Stream and Constant Service Time", Seferin Todorov Mirtchev

25 mins coffee break

September 30, 2006, 16:00 - 17:30 , Session II: QoS Support and Adaptivity for Multimedia Applications

Session Chair: Dr. Giovanni Giambene

"Optimizing SIP Service Provisioning in Internet Connected MANETs", M. C. De Castro, A. Kassler [Invited talk]
"Evaluation of QoS Support for Multimedia Traffics in IEEE 802.11e", Alessandro Andreadis
"The Importance of Adaptive Applications in Mobile Wireless Networks", Michael Neofytou, at al.
"Video-streaming Transmission with QoS over Cross-Layered Ad hoc Networks", Guillermo Díaz Delgado, at al.

(possibly, a short break here of  max 10 minutes)

September 30, 2006, 17:40-18:10 [Invited talk]
"Quality of Service in Mesh Mode IEEE 802.16 Networks", Mehmet Sukru
Kuran, Birkan Yilmaz,  Fatih Alagoz, Tuna Tugcu

September 30, 2006, 18:10 - 18:15 Close Ceremony



Electromagnetic Compatibility: Safety Aspects

Symposium organizer:
D. Poljak, V. Roje, University of Split, Croatia




6109(invited): Assessment of Human Exposure to Power Substation Electric Field
Dragan Poljak, Niksa Kovac, Andres Peratta, Cristina Gonzales

6015: Multi-monopole model of man for SAR evaluations

Francesco Lattarulo, Giovanna Calò,, Vincenzo Petruzzelli, Michele Bozzetti, Politecnico di Bari, Italy

6122: Finite element model of the human head exposed to electrostatic field generated by Video Display Units
Damir Cavka, Dragan Poljak, Andres Peratta

6111: Geometrical aspects of 3D human body exposed to extremely low
Andres Peratta, Cristina Gonzalez, Wessex Institute of Technology, United  Kingdom; Dragan Poljak, University of Split, Croatia




6123: Finite element thermal model of the human exposed to electric field generated from GSM base station
Damir Cavka

6124: A Simple Finite Element Model of Heat Transfer in the Human Eye
Mario Cvetkoviæ, Damir Cavka, Dragan Poljak

6019: Analytical model of human body when exposed to high frequency electromagnetic fields
Dragan Poljak, Ana Komadina, University of Split, Croatia





6112(invited): Electromagnetic effects on transmission lines
David Larrabee, East Stroudsburg University, United States

6130: Usage Limitations of Field Strength Probes for RADHAZ Survey
Antonio Sarolic, University of Split, Croatia

6125: Modelling antenna in NEC
Boze Tokic, Dragan Poljak

6069: Electromagnetic Field Measurements In Student Microwave Laboratory
Krešimir Malarić, University of Zagreb, Croatia; Sandra Antešević Maričić, Kigen, Croatia