Naval Architecture, University of Split

Ship Structural Design (7 ECTS)

45h lectures (1.5 ECTS), 45h lab (1.5 ECTS), project work and exam 120h (4 ECTS)

Aim: to introduce students with ship structural elements, calculation procedures according to the rules of classification societies and other international regulations.

Learning outcomes:
- describe approaches to ship structural design,
- illustrate design principles on examples,
- apply Classification society Rules to design a midship section,
- make two-dimensional technical drawing of a midship section in CAD software,
- describe loads and stresses to which ship is a subject,
- explain the standard rule procedure for calculating longitudinal strength.


Resistance and Propulsion (7 ECTS)

45h lectures (1.5 ECTS), 45h lab (1.5 ECTS), project work and exam 120h (4 ECTS)

Aim: to learn basic professional knowledge of assessing ship resistance and propulsion.

Learning outcomes:
- differ ship resistance components,
- apply simple procedures for assessment of total ship resistance based on model test data and systematic series data,
- explain work principles of different types of propulsion devices,
- describe effects of hull/propeller interaction,
- calculate ship propeller for a given purpose.

Course content



Composite Ships (5 ECTS)

30h lectures (1 ECTS), 30h lab (1 ECTS), homework/project 90 h (3 ECTS)

Aim: to learn about application of modern composite materials in shipbuilding, specific structural design requierements and use of the rules of classification societies and ISO standard in design of small composite crafts.

Learning outcomes:
- comment function and interaction of structural components of composite ships,
- suggest/choose materials for a hull taking into consideration long-term costs and environmental impact,
- design structure of a small craft using the rules of classification societies and ISO standards,
- build models of structural elements using vacuum infusion method.

Course content

Advanced Marine Vehicles (5 ECTS)

30h lectures (1 ECTS), 30h lab (1 ECTS), homework/project/exam 90h (3 ECTS)

Aim: students will be introduced to special structural and hydrodynamic demands and solutions related to the design of various AMVs including catamarans, trimarans, SWATH, SES and WiG vehicles.

Learning outcomes (students will be able to):
– describe specifics of various AMVs and high-speed ships,
– explain the special aspects of resistance and propulsion of advanced marine vehicles,
– explain connection between loads and structural design of high-speed ships,
– make a preliminary project of an AMV in accordance with project demands,

Course content

Comparison of perfomance: high-speed monohulls, catamarans, hyrdofoils, SWATH ships, SES, AVC and WiG vehicles. Hydrostatics, aerostatics. Hydrodynamics, aerodynamics. Loads and structural arrangement. Propulsion systems. Project task: choice and preliminary desing of an AMV according to projecte demand, including hull material choice, structural arrangement, preliminary calculations of strength, resistance and propulsion. Choice of engines. Group and individual discussion about project solutions.

Computer graphics for Naval Architecture (5 ECTS)

30h lectures (1 ECTS), 30h lab (1 ECTS), homework/project/exam 90h (3 ECTS)

Aim: to learn advanced computer skills with specific naval architecture software.

Learning outcomes

Course content

Modelling in Maxsurf.CFD calculations in NUMECA Fine/Marine.