Guedes Soares, C.; Parunov, Joško; Blagojević, Branko; Grubišić, Rajko; Zamarin, Albert; Žiha, Kalman; Ehlers, Soeren; Klanac, Alan; Tokić, Grgur. Experience and Sustainability of International Curriculum Development in Naval Architeture. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 2010. ISBN: 978-953-7738-00-6.


This book reflects discussions presented at the Round Table “Sustainability of TEMPUS project ASDEPP”, organized in Lisbon on 28. January 2010. Round Table was part of the three and a half years Joint European Project “Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention” (ASDEPP), financed by the European Commission within the programme TEMPUS. The main topic of contributions collected in the book is the progress in Bologna process in studies of Naval Architecture in Croatia. However, other important issues that may be closely related to the Bologna process as strengthening of the international cooperation, student mobility and stimulating creativity of students are also covered. The book depicts all three studies of Naval Architecture in Croatia, those at University of Split, University of Zagreb and University of Rijeka and also all three cycles of studies: undergraduate studies, graduated studies and PhD level. This book could be a valuable starting point in the socio-economic discussions and strategic decisions about studies of Naval Architecture as well as relevant reference and help in the applications for educational and re-search projects. Therefore, the book “Experience and Sustainability of International Curriculum Development in Naval Architecture ” is in first place intended to the university professors in the field of Naval Architecture and also to the authorities involved in the reform processes of university education. The book may also be in-teresting reading for PhD and graduated students of Naval Architecture as well as for industry representatives interested in human resources.


Keywords: Naval Architecture, education, Bologna Declaration.

Blagojević Branko, Ban Dario, VISIO, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 2008., ISBN 978-953-290-003-3


Visio handbook with examples (in Croatian).

Blagojević Branko, Web page design with CSS, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 2006.


CSS manual (in Croatian).

Mardešić Sandra, Blagojević Branko , Excel & VBA, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 2004.


Manual for VBA and Excel 2003 (v 0.9, in Croatian).

Blagojević Branko, Hydrostatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 2002.


Lectures (in Croatian).

Blagojević Branko, Ship Hydrodynamics, Part I: Ship Resistance, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 2000.


Lectures (in Croatian).

Blagojević Branko, Hull Form Modeling, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, 1999.


Mathematical modeling I (v 0.8, in Croatian).

Mathematical modeling and CFD (v 0.8, in Croatian).