2007 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
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Invited speaker:  

dr. Gabor Nemeth,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Theoretical Foundation of a Knowledge-Based Intelligent Network Model

The next generation of intelligent systems provides in- forma­tion processing, retrieval and transfer services for an arbi­trary number of users in a transparent way. The structure of large networks is dy­namically changing because of failures and modifi­cations. Besides, it must support user mobility as well. The infor­mation to be handled extends beyond the traditional fixed type precise and deterministic information, approximating the ones used in natural languages. Such a system cannot be handled by the classical models. The intelligent system can be modelled as having logical, temporal and topologi­cal structures to­gether with opera­tions on these structures. The architec­ture proposed is based on the demand driven in­formation proc­essing model with static or dynamic task allocation over inho­mogeneous or homo­gene­ous resource types and network struc­tures. The processing nodes may employ any mix of the four basic information proc­essing models (control, data, demand and information driven models). Intro­ducing a model time as a partially or­dered set of events, an evolu­tionary system can be considered, both in its capabilities and struc­ture. The services of the intelligent system are provided by intelli­gent mobile agents.

Biography: Dr. Gábor Németh received his MSc diploma in electronic engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Currently he is manager of 3C Ltd. and part time associate professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he is head of the Computer Techniques laboratory. His research interest is focused on the theoretical foundations of generic model for massively parallel distributed systems based on arbitrary information processing principles .He had been guest professor at universities in Finland, France, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia and Austria.