Intrusion Handling Systems for Wireless LANs
Algirdas Pakstas and Shahram Salekzamankhani
London Metropolitan University, UKA number of mechanisms and techniques have been used for defending network resources. Firewalls, encryption, authentication, vulnerability checking and other techniques can all help to enhance the network security. However, Wireless LANs (WLANs) are coming with embedded flaw such as potentially reduced security. This was reflected in many publications and research towards building more secure WLANs is still undergoing. The main problem with WLANs is due to its nature because intrusion (unauthorised access) may happen without intruder (unauthorised user) no longer is gaining physical access to the network in order to compromise its security. This tutorial review concepts related to Intrusion Handling Systems for WLANs.
Biography: Prof. Algirdas Pakštas received his M.Sc. in Radiophysics and Electronics in 1980 from the Irkutsk State University, Ph.D. in Systems Programming in 1987 from the Institute of Control Sciences. Currently he is with the London Metropolitan University, Department of Computing, Communications Technology and Mathematics where he is doing research the area of Communications Software Engineering and is teaching courses “Network Planning and Management” and “Computer Systems and Networks”. He is active in the following IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees: TC on Communications Software and TC on Multimedia Communications. He has published 3 research monographs (2 authored and 1 edited) and more than 140 other publications. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM and the New York Academy of Sciences. He is currently a member of the Editorial Boards of the ‘IEEE Communications Magazine”, “Cybernetics and Systems Analysis”, “Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences” and “CompSIS”.
Radio Frequency Identification: Technology Basics and Business Uses
Gottfried Luderer, Arizona State University, USA
Imagine that arbitrary objects and even people or animals can carry a small inexpensive tag, replacing the ubiquitous bar code by something like a cheap piece of circuitry – costing just a few cents. And furthermore that this tag can be read from a short distance of a few meters without the need for a line-of- sight connection. The tag can be coded with its own unique identification. The tag does not need its own power source but is discovered by nearby reading devices sending short inquiry messages and listening to the coded “back scattered” responses.
The underlying technology has been around for many years, but it is just getting mature enough to become practically useful. RFID is in the process of widespread introduction, for monitoring merchandize in the supply chain from manufacturer to customer, e.g. at Walmart, to inclusion in your passport or implanting tags in your dog. This seminar will briefly survey the technology and look at various business applications. RFID categories like active and passive tags will be discussed as well as system architectures. What are obstacles to its introduction, technical and political, and potential benefits as well as abuses? Of all recently introduced electronic technologies, RFID may have the largest impact on our daily lives in the coming years.
Biography: Dr. Gottfried W. R. Luderer was appointed Professor, ISS Chair of Telecommunication, at Arizona State University in the Fall of 1990. His current research program in networking includes work in the areas of control of ISDN/Broadband ISDN networks, mobile communication networks, and multimedia communication, which ranges from call processing for intelligent network services to network management. Research emphasis is on advanced software technologies for development of telecommunication networks, as used in switches, for signaling and in network management, with a focus on object and component technology and formal definition techniques. From 1965 to 1989, Dr. Luderer was with AT&T Bell Labs, at last directing research on next generation switch architectures, based on fast packet switching technology on the hardware side and object-oriented design technology on the software side, resulting in some of the earliest demonstration networks for multimedia communication. Dr. Luderer holds Diplomingenieur (M.S) and Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He holds two patents. While at Bell Labs, he taught at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, and at Princeton University. He is member of ACM, IEEE, IEEE Computer and Communication Societies.
IP-Oriented QoS in the Next Generation Networks: application to wireless networks
Pascal Lorenz, Universite de Haute Alsace, FRANCE
Emerging Internet Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms are expected to enable wide spread use of real time services such as VoIP and videoconferencing. The "best effort" Internet delivery cannot be used for the new multimedia applications. New technologies and new standards are necessary to offer Quality of Service (QoS) for these multimedia applications. Therefore new communication architectures integrate mechanisms allowing guaranteed QoS services as well as high rate communications.
The service level agreement with a mobile Internet user is hard to satisfy, since there may not be enough resources available in some parts of the network the mobile user is moving into. The emerging Internet QoS architectures, differentiated services and integrated services, do not consider user mobility. QoS mechanisms enforce a differentiated sharing of bandwidth among services and users. Thus, there must be mechanisms available to identify traffic flows with different QoS parameters, and to make it possible to charge the users based on requested quality. The integration of fixed and mobile wireless access into IP networks presents a cost effective and efficient way to provide seamless end-to-end connectivity and ubiquitous access in a market where the demand for mobile Internet services has grown rapidly and predicted to generate billions of dollars in revenue.
This tutorial covers to the issues of QoS provisioning in heterogeneous networks and Internet access over future wireless networks as well as ATM, MPLS, DiffServ, IntServ frameworks. It discusses the characteristics of the Internet, mobility and QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile IP networks. This tutorial also covers routing, security, baseline architecture of the inter-networking protocols and end to end traffic management issues.
Biography: Pascal Lorenz [SM ‘00] (lorenz@ieee.org) received a PhD degree from the University of Nancy, France. Between 1990 and 1995 he was a research engineer at WorldFIP Europe and at Alcatel-Alsthom. He is a professor at the University of Haute-Alsace and responsible of the Network and Telecommunication Research Group. His research interests include QoS, wireless networks and high-speed networks. He was the Program and Organizing Chair of the IEEE ICATM'98, ICATM'99, ECUMN'00, ICN'01, ECUMN'02 and ICT'03, ICN’04 conferences and co-program chair of ICC’04. Since 2000, he is a Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Editorial Board. He is the secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Communications Systems Integration and Modelling Technical Committee. He is a member of many international program committees and he has served as a guest editor for a number of journals including Telecommunications Systems, IEEE Communications Magazine and LNCS. He has organized and chaired several technical sessions and gave tutorials at major international conferences. He is the author of 3 books and 95 international publications in journals and conferences.
Fundamentals of Grounding Design
Elya Joffe, K.T.M. Project Engineering, Izrael
ABSTRACT: “One of the problems with grounding is the term itself... it’s too vague; Often a single ground may serve multiple needs, with different rule to each”
The discipline of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is concerned with the design of Electronic Systems, while minimizing electromagnetic coupling and interference from within the system and between the system to its environment. The discipline of electromagnetic compatibility covers and requires involvement in a wide range of other fields of engineering, system engineering and electronic engineering, etc.
The concept of “grounding” is probably among the most important, yet less understood topic of electronic design, often considered as "black magic". Yet – grounding forms an inseparable part of all electronic and electrical designs, from circuit through system up to installation design. Grounding is implemented for EMC and ESD protection, for safety purposes, for lightning and surge protection, etc.
This presentation is intended to shed some light on the concepts and pitfalls associated with grounding - an essential and inseparable concept in EMC design.
The presentation will cover the rational and fundamental concepts of grounding and its topologies, leading to the implementation of grounding from circuit to system. Practical applications will be extensively discussed. Practical solutions to practical problems, as well as “real life case studies” are used as examples.
Biography: Mr. Joffe is employed by K.T.M. Project Engineering, an engineering consulting company, in Israel since 1987. He currently holds a position of the V.P. of Engineering and works as a Senior EMC engineering Specialist and consultant.
Between 1981 and 1987, he was with the Engineering Division of the Israel Air Force (IAF), responsible for EMC and System Engineering of airborne systems and aircraft. His responsibilities included the EMC design of modern and upgraded military aircraft.
Mr. Joffe has over 25 years of experience in government and industry, in EMC/E3 (Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) for electronic systems and platforms (in particular – aircraft and aerospace). He is actively involved, as an EMC/E3 Specialist, in the EMC design of commercial and defense systems, from circuits to full platforms. His work covers various fields in the discipline of EMC, such as NEMP and Lightning Protection design, as well as numerical modeling for solution of EMC Problems.
Mr. Joffe is well known in Israel and abroad for his activities in EMC training and education, and has authored, developed and presents many courses on Electromagnetic Compatibility and related topics. He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers in EMC and EMC-related topics, both in the IEEE Transactions on EMC and Broadcasting, as well as in the proceedings of International EMC Symposia.
Mr. Joffe is Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the IEEE EMC Society of the Board of Directors since the year 2000 and currently is the VP for member Services. He is also the Immediate Past Chairman of the Israel IEEE EMC Chapter and he serves as the Israel IEEE Section Industry Relation Officer (IRO). Mr. Joffe is a Member of the IEEE Standards Association, a member of the IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee (SDCom) and Chairman of the EMC-S Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom). He is also Chairmen of WG 473 for revision of IEEE STD 473 (“IEEE Recommended Practice for an Electromagnetic Site Survey (10 kHz to 40 GHz)”).
He is a Registered Professional Engineer and a NARTE (US National Association of Radio and telecommunications Engineer) Certified EMC and ESD Control Engineer.
Mr. Joffe served as a “Distinguished Lecturer” of the IEEE EMC Society, for the years 1999 through 2000.
Mr. Joffe received several awards from the IEEE and EMC Society for his activities. In particular, he is a recipient of the prestigious “Lawrence G. Cumming Award” (2002), the “Honorary Life Member Award” (2004), the IEEE EMC Society “Technical; Achievement Award” (2004), the IEEE EMC Society “Symposium Chair Award” (2004) and the IEEE “Third Millennium Medal” “…in recognition and appreciation of valued services and outstanding contributions”.
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