2007 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
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Symposium on Mobile Wireless Networks

Symposium Chair: Prof. Mario De Blasi
University of Salento, Italy

Session I
Chair: Mario De Blasi

Wireless Pre-paid Phone Cards distributing system based on SMS
Qionglin xiao, Wei Fu, Shusen Zhou, Yitao Xing, Guangbao Dai, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Modeling of Energy Efficient Wireless Communication
Armin Veichtlbauer, Peter Dorfinger, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Advanced Networking Center, Austria

An Integrated Ambient Networks Prototype
P. Pääkkönen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland; P. Salmela, Ericsson Research, Finland; R. Aguero, J. Choque, University of Cantabria, Spain

Securing the Madeira Network Management System
Ricardo Marín, Julio Vivero, GMV-SGI, Spain; Philipp Leitner, Andreas Neppach, Martin Zach, Siemens AG Austria – PSE, Austria; David Ortega, Telefonica I+D, Spain

Performance Analysis of Adaptive Decision Feedback Turbo Equalization (ADFTE) Using Recursive Least Square (RLS) Algorithm
Mrs.Suneeta V Budihal, PriyatamKumar, Dr.R.M.Banakar, B.V.B C.E.T, India

Technical Capability of the Radio Access Technology 1xEV-DO
Ronald Beaubrun, Mehdi Mekni, Laval University, Canada

Session II
Chair: Luigi Patrono

Efficiency of the Gossip Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Elma Zanaj, Marco Baldi, and Franco Chiaraluce, Universitŕ Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Accuracy of Random Walk and Markovian Mobility Models in Location Prediction Methods
Péter Fülöp, Sándor Szabó, Tamás Szálka, University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Cross-layer analysis of TCP performance in a 4G system
Stefan Alfredsson, Anna Brunstrom, Karlstad University, Sweden; Mikael Sternad, Uppsala University, Sweden

Routing Intrusions on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Test bed and Vulnerability Analysis
Srinivas Sampalli, Sunny Jamwal, Li Lei, Pradeep Moradiya, Sanket Parikh, Tanmai Potluri, Tarak Shingne, Anand Thangaraj and Anas Trabulsi, Dalhousie University, Canada

MAP selection algorithms based on future movement prediction capability
Andrej Vilhar, Roman Novak, Gorazd Kandus, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia


Symposium on QoS in Wired and Wireless Networks

Symposium Chair: Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute Alsace

Invited paper
From ‘Quality of Service’ and ‘Quality of Design’ to ‘Quality of Experience’: A Holistic View on Future Interactive Telecommunication Services
Peter Reichl, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria

Transparent TCP improvement over satellite links
F. Fergnani, G. Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy

Performance Evaluation of TD-Learning-Based Methods as Compared with Their
Eligibility Versions for Bandwidth Provisioning in DiffServ Networks
M. Jahanshahi, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Iran; M. R. Meybodi, Amirkabir University, Iran

An Innovative Approach for Online Bandwidth Adjustment in DiffServ Networks Using Learning Automata and Its Performance Evaluation as Compared with Existent Methods
M. Jahanshahi, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Iran; M. R. Meybodi, Amirkabir University, Iran

Performance of Multisink Geographic Routing with Different Distance Metrics
Chiara Taddia, Gianluca Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy

Ethernet: The Future Network Access Technology
Abdulrahman Yarali, Murray State University, USA; Babak Ahsant, Mobile Communication Company of Iran

Energy-aware, delay-constrained routing in wireless sensor networks through genetic
Azadeh Pourkabirian, Abolfazl Toroghi Haghighat, Qazvin University, Iran

Adaptive Parallel Interference Cancellation for Uplink MC-CDMA in Rayleigh Fading Channels
Xiaoyan Feng, Charalampos Tsimenidis, Bayan Sharif, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Technical Method for Service Quality Measurement and User's Service Usage Collection In Wireless Broadband Data Service
Ju Yeoul Park, Joung Cheol Kim, SK Telecom, Korea

Quantifying the Quality of Service of Streaming Media in Differentiated Service Networks
Deepak Agrawal, T. Kleiberg, S. Papp, R.E. Kooij, P. Van Mieghem, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Symposium on Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks

Symposium Chair: Joel Rodrigues
University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Session I

Energy limited Ad hoc Networks
Alessandra Giovanardi,Gianluca Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy

On the connectivity of ad hoc networks: role of the power level distribution
Giovanni Nico, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy; Manlio Tesauro, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica Ambientale, Universit`a degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy

Reactive Neighbor Discovery Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Woosuk Cha, Bae-ho Lee , Chonnam National University Gwangju, South Korea; Gihwan Cho, Division of Electronic & Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea

Reliable Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Azad University, Iran; Karim Faez, Amirkabir university of Technology, Iran

Mitigating Starvation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Carrier Sense Threshold
Eun Byol Koh, Chong-Kwon Kim, Seould National University, Korea


Session II

Efficient exchanging of messages in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Azad University, Iran; Karim Faez, Amirkabir university of Technology, Iran

Experimental investigation of the energy consumption for wireless sensor network with centralized data collection scheme
R. Rugin,A. Conti,G. Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy

A New Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Farzad Tashtarian, A. T. Haghighat, Islamic Azad University, Iran; Mohsen Tolou Honary, Ferdowsi University; Hamid Shokrzadeh, Hamid Shokrzadeh, Islamic Azad University, Iran

MAC Support for High Density Wireless Sensor Network
Chiara Taddia, Gianluca Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy; Nirvana Meratnia, Lodewig Van Hoesel, Paul Havinga, University of Twente, The Netherlands

SWORDFISH: a Framework to Formally Design WSNs Capturing Events
William Fornaciari, Simone Campanoni


Symposium on EMC: Environmental and Safety Aspects

Symposium co-chairs: Dragan Poljak, Vesna Roje
University of Split, Croatia

Invited speaker:
Farhad Rachidi
, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland

Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Electrical Networks

Session I

High Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis of Horizontal Grounding Conductor and Near-By Passive Parallel Conductor within Two-layer Soil
Vesna Arnautovski-Toseva, Leonid Grcev, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies Skopje, Macedonia; Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi University Blaise Pascal, LASMEA Aubičre, France

Modeling of a Straight thin Wire: Comparison of Antenna Approach and Transmission Line Model
Vicko Dorić, Dragan Poljak, John Paul, Christos Christopoulos Department of Electronics, University of Split, Croatia; George Green Institute, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Solving the Frequency Assignment Problem with Differential Evolution
Marisa da Silva Maximiano Polytechnic Institute of Leiria School of Technology and Management. Leiria, Portugal; Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez, Juan A. Gómez-Pulido, Juan M. Sánchez-Pérez University of Extremadura. Dept. Technologies of Computers and Communications Escuela Politécnica, Spain

Continuous Wavelet Transform Application in Electromagnetic Compatibility  Algorithms and Software Realization
Wei Wu EMC Consortium Rolla, MO, USA

A Wideband Indoor Radio Channel Based on Non-LOS Measurements at 2.4 GHz
Maja Šekelja, Zoran Blažević, Duje Čoko, Ivan Marinović, University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split, Croatia

Session II

Electrostatic field around the human head in front of a Video display unit: The field as a function of display size
Damir Cavka, Dragan Poljak, Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture, University of Split, Croatia; Andrés Peratta, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst, Southampton, UK

Induced Currents in the human body resulting from the proximity to surfaces at fixed potentials
Cristina Gonz´alez, Andr´es Peratta , Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst, Southampton, UK; Dragan Poljak Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture, University of Split, Croatia;

Towards the model for the assessment of the current density induced in the human body due to the electric field irradiated from the rod struck by lightning
Dragan Poljak, Silvestar Šesnić, University of Split, Croatia; Mario Birkić, Denis Kosor, Air Traffic Center Pula, Croatia

SAR Simulation of a Mobile Phone in a Hand-Held Position
Josip Dražić-Šegrt, Damir Zrno and Dina Šimunić, University of Zagreb, Croatia



EMC Experiments/Demonstrations


Elya Joffe:

Currents if not Obstructed will Always Flow in the Part of….


Abstract: Few principles in EMC are confusing as much as those of "Grounding" and "Shielding".
Indeed, misconceptions as to the mechanisms of those techniques have led to many wrong concepts and implementations, which today are extremely difficult to uproot: Is it better to use single point or multipoint grounding? In Which frequencies? Is it better to ground a shield at both ends or at one only? And how about the Signal circuits? How does return current flow on the PCB - does it follow the shortest path?

The key to the answer to all those questions lies within the domain of a concept called: "The Path of Least Inductance". That is the path that current will follow at high frequencies (what is "high" for this purpose?)
This lecture will discuss the very important concept of the "Path of Least Inductance", and the application of this principle for providing answers to the above questions and others.

Biography: Mr. Joffe is employed by K.T.M. Project Engineering, an engineering consulting company, in Israel since 1987. He currently holds a position of the V.P. of Engineering and works as a Senior EMC engineering Specialist and consultant.

Between 1981 and 1987, he was with the Engineering Division of the Israel Air Force (IAF), responsible for EMC and System Engineering of airborne systems and aircraft. His responsibilities included the EMC design of modern and upgraded military aircraft.

Mr. Joffe has over 25 years of experience in government and industry, in EMC/E3 (Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) for electronic systems and platforms (in particular – aircraft and aerospace). He is actively involved, as an EMC/E3 Specialist, in the EMC design of commercial and defense systems, from circuits to full platforms. His work covers various fields in the discipline of EMC, such as NEMP and Lightning Protection design, as well as numerical modeling for solution of EMC Problems.

Mr. Joffe is well known in Israel and abroad for his activities in EMC training and education, and has authored, developed and presents many courses on Electromagnetic Compatibility and related topics. He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers in EMC and EMC-related topics, both in the IEEE Transactions on EMC and Broadcasting, as well as in the proceedings of International EMC Symposia.

Mr. Joffe is Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the IEEE EMC Society of the Board of Directors since the year 2000 and currently is the VP for member Services. He is also the Immediate Past Chairman of the Israel IEEE EMC Chapter and he serves as the Israel IEEE Section Industry Relation Officer (IRO). Mr. Joffe is a Member of the IEEE Standards Association, a member of the IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee (SDCom) and Chairman of the EMC-S Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom). He is also Chairmen of WG 473 for revision of IEEE STD 473 (“IEEE Recommended Practice for an Electromagnetic Site Survey (10 kHz to 40 GHz)”).

He is a Registered Professional Engineer and a NARTE (US National Association of Radio and telecommunications Engineer) Certified EMC and ESD Control Engineer.

Mr. Joffe served as a “Distinguished Lecturer” of the IEEE EMC Society, for the years 1999 through 2000.
Mr. Joffe received several awards from the IEEE and EMC Society for his activities. In particular, he is a recipient of the prestigious “Lawrence G. Cumming Award” (2002), the “Honorary Life Member Award” (2004), the IEEE EMC Society “Technical; Achievement Award” (2004), the IEEE EMC Society “Symposium Chair Award” (2004) and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal “…in recognition and appreciation of valued services and outstanding contributions”.


Antonio Šarolić:

Electromagnetic Field Measurement for Modulated RF Signals with Arbitrary Waveforms


Experiment demonstration: Since electric field probes are commonly calibrated with a single sine signal, they react differently to signals that are modulated with different modulations. This can lead to significant error when measuring such signals. This error is unknown if the incident signal waveform is unknown (common case) and if the probe response to modulated signals is unknown (even more common case). An experiment will be performed to demonstrate such an error. The setup consists of an arbitrarily modulated signal generator, average power meter, controlled EM environment (rectangular waveguide) and two different electric field probes. The average signal power is controlled and kept constant, while the probes measure the RMS field inside the waveguide. The measurement results will demonstrate discrepancy and measurement errors when measuring the same average signal power but with different probes and different modulations of incident signal.


Biography: Dr. Šarolić is Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at University of Split, FESB, Department of Electronics. He was previously employed by University of Zagreb, FER, Dept. of radiocommunications. His areas of interest are electromagnetic measurements, bioeffects of EM fields, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and radiocommunications. He has been working on several research projects and has authored over 40 papers in previously named topics. Dr. Šarolić has also worked on numerous technical expertises for EE companies. He is involved in standardization process through various committees and working groups.



Ask the Experts on EMC topics:

-          Systems and equipment EMC (Elay Joffe)

-          Numerical modelling in EMC (Dragan Poljak)

-          Measurement procedures in EMC (Antonio Sarolic)

-          Biological effects (Dragan Poljak)

-          EMC in product and functional safety (Elya Joffe)

-          Lightning (Farhad Fachidi)

Moderator: Vesna Roje



Tutorial: Fundamentals of Grounding Design

Elya Joffe, K.T.M. Project Engineering, Izrael