2007 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
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Keynote speaker II:    Algirdas Pakstas
London Metropolitan University, UK

Why we need a Reference Model for Intrusion Handling Systems for Wireless LANs?

Abstract: WLANs are different from the traditional wired LANs in terms of their exposure to potential threats, vulnerability and security techniques.
Intrusions to WLANs are facts of the everyday life and handling them becomes more and more difficult. Currently there is no standardised reference model which may help to design, compare and evaluate the existing or future Intrusion Handling Systems (IHSs) for WLANs. Analysis of the commercial IHSs shows that they all are built as a proprietary systems which are neither taking into consideration existence of other IHSs nor they are trying to find the ways to establish inter-IHS collaboration which may help to achieve better security for the end-users. Hence this paper starts by an analysis of the features of existing IHSs for WLANs, follows with proposing the new ways to enhance their design, and then is discussing development of such a novel reference model for a scalable distributed IHS architecture.

Biography: Prof. Algirdas Pakštas received his M.Sc. in Radiophysics and Electronics in 1980 from the Irkutsk State University,  Ph.D. in Systems Programming in 1987 from the Institute of Control Sciences. Currently he is with the London Metropolitan University, Department of Computing, Communications Technology and Mathematics where he is doing research the area of Communications Software Engineering and is teaching courses “Network Planning and Management” and “Computer Systems and Networks”. He is active in the following IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees: TC on Communications Software and TC on Multimedia Communications. He has published 3 research monographs (2 authored and 1 edited) and more than 140 other publications. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM and the New York Academy of Sciences. He is currently a member of the Editorial Boards of the IEEE Communications Magazine, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences” and “CompSIS”.