Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

University of Split, Croatia

                                                                                                                Nastavni materijal


Dr. sc. Tamara Grujić, izv. prof.

Laboratory for Biomechanics and Automatic Control Systems 

Position:  Associate professor

Research Group: LaBACS - Laboratory for Biomechanics and Automatic Control Systems,  http://www.fesb.hr/~vzanchi/English/MainPage.htm

Tel: +385 (0)21 305 642 

Fax: +385 (0)21 305 776

Email: tada@fesb.hr  


Research interests

       · biomedical engineering

· upper limb biomechanics, particularly kinematics of human hand in reach - to - grasp movements 

· signals and systems in human motion 

· electromyography



       · 2007-present: "Biomechanics of Human Movements, Control and Rehabilitation" (No. 023-0232006-1655), Project supported

       by Croatian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport; Principal investigator: Dr. sc. Vlasta Zanchi, prof. emer. 

· 1999-2006: "Biomechanics of Human Gait, Control and Rehabilitation", Project supported by Croatian Ministry of      Education, Science and Sport; Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Vlasta Zanchi 

· 2001-2002: "Dynamics of Standing up and Gait", Croatian-Slovenian bilateral scientific project; Croatian principal investigator: Tamara Supuk


Education Activity

· System Theory 

· Signals & Systems

· Automatic Control 

· Biomedical Engineering

· Machine learning



· 2006: PhD degree in Electrical Engineering. The title of the PhD thesis: ''Robot assisted measurement and evaluation of reach-to-grasp movement'', supervisor: Prof. dr. Tadej Bajd, Laboratory of Robotics and Biomedical Engineering,  Faculty of  Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, http://robo.fe.uni-lj.si/index.html


· 2003: Visiting study at the University of Reading, Department of Cybernetics, Reading, UK (three months), Research on hand kinematics under the supervision of Dr.William Harwin, http://www.cyber.rdg.ac.uk/people/W.Harwin.htm 

Winner of the Voja Kondic prize for the 2003-04 academic year, which is awarded to the student who the Trustees of the British Scholarship Trust consider to have made the best use of his period of study in the UK.

· 2003: M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. The title of the master thesis: "Measurement, Processing and Analysis of Emg Signals Recorded in Locomotor Muscles"

· 1999: B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. The title of the undergraduate thesis: "Polynomial Approach to the DSP System Waveform Generation"

