SoftCOM'04 tehnical program (pdf format)


Complete manuscript due: June 1, 2004

Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2004

Camera-ready manuscript: September 1, 2004





Conference Topics

Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to the following:

SoftCOM'04 Symposiums

Symposiums general chair: Algirdas Pakstas, London Metropolitan University, UK

Future Wireless Systems
Chair: Mario De Blasi, University of Lecce, Italy

Mobile and Personal Communications Saftey
Chair: Dragan Poljak, University of Split, Croatia

Genomic Signal Processing
Chair: Roberto Garello, Polytechnics of Turin, Italy

Special Session on Cryptography and Security
Chair: Ennio Gambi, University of Ancona, Italy

Workshop on Signals and Systems in Human Motion
Chair: Vlasta Zanchi, University of Split, Croatia