SoftCOM'04 tehnical program (pdf format)
Complete manuscript due: June 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2004
Camera-ready manuscript: September 1, 2004
Conference Topics
Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to the following:
Communications Software
Telecommunications Services and QoS
Network Operations and Management
Internet and IP based Environments and Services
Mobile and Wireless Communications
Optical and Photonic Communications
Multimedia and Virtual Reality Systems
Information Infrastructure and Security
Communication Theory
Signal Processing and Coding
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Computer Methods in Biomedicine
Consumer Communications Technologies
Human-Computer Interaction
Personal Networks
Enterprise Networking
Research/Education Methodology
Access and Home Networks
Next Generation Networks and Services
SoftCOM'04 Symposiums
Symposiums general chair: Algirdas Pakstas, London Metropolitan University, UK
Wireless Systems
Chair: Mario De Blasi, University of Lecce, Italy
and Personal Communications Saftey
Chair: Dragan Poljak, University of Split, Croatia
Genomic Signal Processing
Chair: Roberto Garello, Polytechnics of Turin, Italy
Special Session on Cryptography and Security
Chair: Ennio Gambi, University of Ancona, Italy
Workshop on Signals and Systems in Human Motion
Chair: Vlasta Zanchi, University of Split, Croatia