Rogulj, Nenad; Papić, Vladan. | Low Side-Step Kinematic Characteristics of Handball
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Rogulj, Nenad; Srhoj, Vatromir; Čavala, Marijana. | Razlike bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti hrvatskih
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Rončević, Toma; Zanchi, Vlasta. | Marker System for Visual Identification of Human
Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2005., pp. 657-661 |
Šupuk, Tamara; Bajd, Tadej; Zanchi, Vlasta. | Analysis Of Hand-Object Alignment During
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Proceedings of The 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'05, 2005. |
Papić. Vladan; Zanchi. Vlasta. | Comparison of the automatic marker-less body segments
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Proceedings of The 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'05, 2005. |
Rogulj, Nenad; Papić, Vladan; Zanchi, Vlasta. | Computer Aided Optimal Positioning of the Handball
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