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Chapter in book

  1. V. Papić, N. Rogulj, V. Pleština, Expert System for Identification of Sport Talents: Idea, Implementation and Results, in book Expert Systems for Human, Materials and Automation, P. Vizureanu (Ed.), Rijeka, Croatia : InTech, 2011. pp. 3-16.
  2. T. Hrvoje, V. Pleština V. Papić, A. Krolo, Robot soccer educational courses, in book Robot soccer, V. Papić (Ed.), Vukovar, Croatia : In-Teh, 2010. p.p. 101-120.
  3. V. Papić, V. Zanchi, A. Krstulović, Distributed Gait Measurements, Chapter 13 (pp. 175-185) in book Virtual Reality Technologies (ed. Algirdas Pakštas & Ryoichi Komiya), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2002.
  4. V.Zanchi, T.Grujić, V.Papić, M.Cecić, S.Cecić, Clustering Analysis of Human Gait Data, Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering - 3, pp. 283-288., Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Singapore, 1999.


University textbook

  1. V.Papić, Predavanja iz osnova elektronike, textbook, 2005.


Selected papers

Journal papers (selection)

  1. T. Marasović, V. Papić, J. Marasović, Motion-based gesture recognition algorithms for robot manipulation, International journal of advanced robotic systems. 12 (2015) , 51; 1-13.
  2. H. Turić, H. Dujmić, V. Papić, Two-stage Segmentation of Aerial Images for Search and Rescue, Information Technology and Control. 39 (2010) , 2; 138-145.
  3. H. Dujmić, V. Papić, H. Turić, A New Method for Detection of Artificial Objects and Materials from Long Distance Environmental Images, International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 4 (2010) , 1; 22-26.
  4. V.Papić, N.Rogulj, V.Pleština, Identification of sport talents using a web-oriented expert system with a fuzzy module, Expert Systems with Applications. 36 (2009) , 5; pp.8830-8838.
  5. M.Trninić, S.Trninić, V.Papić, Development Management Model of Elite Athletes in Team Sports Games, Collegium Antropologicum. 33 (2009) , 2; pp.363-372.
  6. N.Rogulj, V.Papić, M.Čavala, Evaluation Models of Some Morphological Characteristics for Talent Scouting in Sport, Collegium Antropologicum. 33 (2009) , 1; pp.105-110.
  7. V.Trninić, V.Papić, T.Dimec, Concepts of developing groups in sport games, Acta Kinesiologica, 2(2), pp. 74-81, 2008.
  8. S.Trninić, V.Papić, D.Vukičević, Scientific approach to a selection of a game tactics model in team sports, Acta Kinesiologica, 2(2), pp.14-19, 2008.
  9. S.Trninić, V.Papić, V.Trninić, D.Vukičević, Player selection procedures in team sports games, Acta Kinesiologica, Vol. 2(1), pp. 24-28, 2008.
  10. M.Bonković, M.Cecić, V.Papić, Adaptive Neural Network (ANN) for Visual Servoing: the Mimetic Approach, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, pp. 259-265, 2007.
  11. N.Rogulj, V.Papić, V.Pleština, Development of the Expert System for Sport Talents Detection, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications , Issue 3, Volume 9, p.p. 1752-1755, 2006. 
  12. V.Papić, H.Dujmić, A Procedure for Tracing Simple Curves in Image Sequences, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications , Issue 1, Volume 3, ISSN 1709-0832, p.p. 192-198, 2005.  
  13. V.Papić, H.Dujmić, A Curve Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Image Sequences, WSEAS Transactions on Computers , Issue 11, Volume 4, ISSN 1109-2750, p.p. 1713-1717, 2005.  
  14. N.Rogulj, V.Papić, V.Srhoj, Optimierung der Position des Handballtorwarts, Leistungssport , vol. 4, p.p. 50-54, 2005.  
  15. V.Papić, V.Zanchi, M.Cecić, Motion analysis system for identification of 3D human locomotion kinematics data and accuracy testing, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier Science, vol. 12, Issue 2, p.p. 159-170, 2004.  
  16. V.Zanchi, V.Papić, M.Cecić, Quantitative human gait analysis, Modeling and Simulation in Biology and Medicine, Simulation Practice and Theory vol. 8, (Nos. 1-2), p.p. 127-140, April, 2000, Elsevier Science.


Conference papers (selection 2005-)

  1. M.Šarić, H.Dujmić, V.Papić, N.Rožić, J.Radić, Player Number Recognition in Soccer Video using Internal Contours and Temporal Redundancy, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI'09),175-180.
  2. V.Papić, H.Turić, H.Dujmić, Two-stage segmentation for detection of suspicious objects in aerial and long-range surveillance applications, Recent Advances in Automation & Information, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Automation & Information (ICAI'09), Prague : WSEAS Press, 2009. pp.152-156.
  3. V.Pleština, H.Dujmić, V.Papić, Proposal of a modular system for tracking indoor and outdoor sports // Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization, Budapest Tech, Hungary : WSEAS Press, 2009., pp.132-137.
  4. B.Barišić, M.Bonković, V.Papić, Evaluation of fuzzy clustering methods for segmentation of environmental images, SoftCOM 2008, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, p.p.  Split-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September, 2008.
  5. A.Gaši, H.Dujmić, V.Papić, H.Turić, On hue and saturation of natural and non-natural materials, SoftCOM 2008, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, p.p.  Split-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September, 2008.
  6. H.Dujmić, V.Papić, H.Turić, A new method for detection of artificial objects and materials from long distance environmental images, ICSIP 2008, Proceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, p.p. 553-547, Heidelberg, Germany, September, 2008.
  7. M.Šarić, H.Dujmić, V.Papić, N.Rožić, Player Number Localization and Recognition in Soccer Video using HSV Color Space and Internal Contours, ICSIP 2008, Proceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology, p.p. 548-552, Heidelberg, Germany, September, 2008.
  8. H.Turić, V.Papić, H.Dujmić, A procedure for detection of humans from long distance images, ELMAR '08, Proceedings ELMAR-2008, p.p. 109-112, Zadar, Croatia, September, 2008.
  9. M.Bonković, M.Cecić, V.Papić, Low Side-Step Mimetic Visual Servoing with Adaptive Neural Network (ANN), REMOTE '07, Proceedings of 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Remote Sensing, p.p. 87-92, ISBN: 978-960-6766-17-6, Venice, Italia, November, 2007, WSEAS Press.
  10. V.Pleština, H.Turić, V.Papić, Constructive Education Approach: Robot Soccer, Proceedings of the ITI 2007 29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2007),  p.p.425-430, 2007.
  11. N.Rogulj, V.Papić, , V.Pleština, Development of the Expert System for Sport Talents Detection, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI'06),  p.p.7-10, 2006.
  12. V.Papić, H.Dujmić, A Curve Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Image Sequences, 5th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry & Artificial Vision,  2005.
  13. V.Papić, V.Zanchi, Comparison of the Automatic Marker-less Body Segments Tracking and the Traditional Marker-based Approach, EMBEC 2005, 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, IFMBE Proceedings, ISSN: 1727-1983,  Prague, Czech Republic, November, 2005.