IoT-Ready Energy-Autonomous Parking Sensor Device

A hardware-based approach is introduced which aims at building a self-powered and autonomous sensing node equipped with supercapacitors (battery-less) to feel the vehicle presence. For purposes of detection, solar-based energy harvester and wake-up trigger prototype is considered along with a BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy) radio.

Meeting Challenges in IoT: Sensing, Energy Efficiency, and the Implementation

State-of-the-art technology for building IoT device and analyze the power consumption of the whole system is gathered, therefore, providing the useful estimate on possibilities to use it in the future infrastructures. Further on, specific use case is given that justifies the adoption of the device in the real environment.

LISA: Visible light based initialization and SMS based authentication of constrained IoT devices

Two novel multichannel key deployment schemes for wireless (sensor) networks, LISA and LISAT, that only require a presence of a light source device, such as a multi-touch screen, tablet or a smartphone device are proposed.

BlinkComm: Initialization of IoT Devices Using Visible Light Communication

Secure initialization method for constrained IoT devices such as wireless sensors devices and/or actuators is proposed. The solution uses visible light communication (VLC) for the initial configuration of the IoT devices.

Internet of Things - Research and Applications

Investigation of various aspects in applicability and performance of IoT systems.