Borka Jadrijević
Sudjelovanja na znanstvenim skupovima (Participation in conferences):
1. Second
Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 15.-17.6.2000.;
2. Parametric families of quartic Thue equations and inequalities, XXIII Journees Arithmetiques,, Graz, 6.-12.7.2003. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
3. Workshop on Computational Number Theory, Debrecen, 20.-24.10.2003.;
4. A two-parametric family of quartic Thue equations and related system of Pellian equations, Third Croatian Congress of Mathematics, Split, 16.-18.6.2004. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
5. A family of quartic Thue inequalities, Workshop on Number Theoretic Algorithms and Related Topics, Strobl, 27.9.-1.10.2004. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
6. A system of relative Pellian equations and a related family of relative Thue equations, XXIV Journees Arithmetiques, Marseille, 4.-8.7.2005. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
7. On Some Parametric Families of Quartic Thue Equations and a Related Familiy of Relative Thue Equations, 16th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Klagenfurt, 18-23.9.2005. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
8. Hungarian-Croatian Workshop on Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 6.-8.10.2005.;
9. On a parametric family of Thue inequalities over function fields, XXV Journees Arithmetiques,, Edinburgh, 2.-6.7.2007. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
10. Complete solutions to a family of quartic Thue inequalities over function fields, Fourth Croatian Mathematical Congress,, Osijek, 17.-20.6.2008. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
11. Establishing the minimal index in a parametric family of bicyclic biquadratic fields, XXVI Journees Arithmetiques, Saint-Etienne, 6.-10.07. 2009. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
12. Number Theory and Its Applications. An international conference dedicated to Kalman Gyory, Attila Petho, Janos Pintz and Andras Sarkozy, Debrecen, 4.-8.10.2010.
13. On some applications of a theorem of Worley, 27th Journées Arithmétiques, Vilnius, 27.6. - 1.7. 2011. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
14. On the minimal index and indices of the form 2^a 3^b in a parametric family of bicyclic biquadratic felds, Fifth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Rijeka, 18.-21.6. 2012. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
15. Thue 150, Bordeaux, 30.9.-4.10. 2013.
16. On elements with index divisible by fixed primes in a parametric family of bicyclic biquadratic fields, ALANT 3, Będlewo, 8.-13.06. 2014. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk).
17. p-adic version of the index form equations in a parametric family of bicyclic biquadratic felds, Conference on Diophantine m-tuples and related problems, Westville, Indiana, USA, 13.-15. 11. 2014. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
19. Computing relative power integral bases in a family of quartic extensions of imaginary quadratic fields, 29th Journées Arithmétiques, Debrecen, 6.-10.6. 2015. (kratko priopćenje - contributed talk);
20. 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 14.-17.6. 2016.
Predavanja po pozivu koja nisu na znanstvenim skupovima (Invited lectures - other than on conferences):
1. Lokalna polja, Znanstveni kolokvij Podružnice Hrvatskoga
matematičkog društva u Splitu, Split 1998.;
2. Thueove jednadžbe, Matematički kolokvij Odjela za matematiku Sveučilišta u Osijeku i Udruge matematičara Osijek, Osijek 2006.;
3. Indeksne jednadžbe za biciklička bikvadratna proširenja, Znanstveni kolokvij Hrvatskoga matematičkog društva, Zagreb 2009.;
4. Indeksne jednadžbe, Znanstveni kolokvij Splitskoga matematičkog družtva, Split 2010.
Popularna predavanja (Popular Lectures):
1. U tvornici prostih brojeva, Festival znanosti, Split, 25. travnja 2013.
2. U tvornici prostih brojeva, Večer matematike, Split, 5. prosinca 2013.
Predavanja na stručnim skupovima:
1. Uloga teorije brojeva u zaštiti podataka, Stručni skup za nastavnike matematike: Matematika u građanskom odgoju, Split, 14. travanja 2014.