Consiousness and Software


Branko Souček

Iris, Bari Italy




The Elements or pieces of Consciousness CON, explain the innate and learned Bio programs. They can be used as a guide to build the CON Software Soft. Selective courting. The CON system gradually narrows the windows. The goal is to detect/select the right partner and to avoid the risk of courting the wrong partner. Bio: brain windows before mating. Soft: low risk credit scoring. Mimicry. The CON system gradually widens the windows. The goal is to attract/select as many partners as possible. Bio: brain windows for feeding. Soft: help desk for marketing. Context Switching. Sudden change in CON behaviour, based on the past history, recalled experience and on environmental conditions. Bio: brain windows after mating. Soft: EDI-switch for adaptive purchasing. Aggression. One subsystem tends to take control of the whole CON system. Bio: time coding in insect chirping. Soft: competition networks. Alternation. Two [or several] subsystems are taking control of the CON system in alternation. Bio: time coding in insects; leader/follower chirping. Soft: travelling salesman, genetic programming. Solo. One subsystem is in control of the whole CON system. Bio: time coding in insects; leader chirping. Soft:  inner takes all. Transmitting. Exchange of conscious messages among subsystems. Bio: quantal transmitter release on neural terminals. Soft: conscious message packages.



Branko Soucek, Proffesor of Universitets of Zagreb, New York and Arizona. Researcher and consultant for the United Nation Agencies UNIDO, IAEA, NASA, IBM, Siemens, Schering, Brookhaven National Laboratory and QDI. Prof. Sou ek has published 10 books Wiley, New York. His books have been translated into the Croatian, Russian and Japanese languages.